
Thursday, May 28, 2009

"The District" - Anita Blake

I hear the new Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter book, Skin Trade, is being released next Tuesday. If you're in the St Louis area, there is a book release party with Laurell at the St Louis County Library Central Branch at 6pm on June 1.


Even before I started CC&G, I promised out of town Anita Blake fans that I would take some pictures of St Louis landmarks just for them. So here is a tour of "The District," aka Blood Square. I'm not naming any businesses/streets because that would infringe on the parallel universe, and there's no fun in that!


For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, the Anita Blake books are a series about a vampire hunter/zombie animator who lives in the St Louis area. The books used to be about preturnatural crime fighting and vampires and werewolves and fun fantasy stuff.


I won't get into what they have devolved into, but let's just say this is no Twilight and you probably don't want your teenagers reading them. *ahem* But we won't go there. Let's just enjoy the scenery.







For those that have no interest in vampires, never fear! I have a backlog of stuff right now and Faust Park (or maybe the Transportation Museum) will be coming up next week!

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