
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reasons #432576 and #567568 why I love St Louis

#432576. It can be 40 degrees one day and 70 the next, even in the middle of winter (it's not winter yet, but pull this up again in January to remind yourself that we will have one of those freakishly warm days soon.)

#567568. You can go fishing in the middle of the city.

Carondolet Lake Boat House, one of my favorite places in the St Louis

I did some adventuring this weekend but I have some research to do before I can turn it into something interesting. I hope everyone enjoyed their long holiday weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Can't find a contact link so will use this

    many many years ago, I lived with the McGartlinds at 4047 Schiller Pl.
    They later on moved accross the street to 4048

    did you know them Beth?
