
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Way Out Club, Your Home Away From Home

Oh, hi there. I guess I forgot to blog this weekend. What with the Easter holiday and an ambitious landscaping project at the homestead, I didn't get to half the things I meant to. So, here are some pictures I took when I went to the Way Out Club this weekend to see the Spark Thugs. The CC&G gang will probably call this cheating, since we usually try to seek out NEW stuff and they know this is a regular haunt of mine, but I say they need to look at the familiar with fresh eyes! The Way Out is like a museum, and an ever-changing one at that! Soutside Sara was bartending on Friday night and told me Bob is always trying to test her to see if she notices the new stuff.


Plus, my most dedicated fans are my family, so I thought they might want to see where I spent the better part of my 20s, and where I get my design inspiration. I'm a big fan of the school of "random stuff to look at."




The coconut heads in the window have always been one of my favorite features

When did they get Theater of Magic?? This is my favorite pinball game!

The birthday drink wall. If you look closely, you can find me, but the picture is probably from 2005.





The Way Out Club is located at 2525 S Jefferson in St Louis. The best way to find out what is going on down there is their Myspace page. You can also find them on Facebook.


  1. No way, this is well-deserved and long-overdue if you ask me! Some young punks were talking about how they'd never been, but "heard it sucked" the other day, and a friend and I had to give them a piece of our codgery minds!
