First let's talk about the games. At first I was a little confused, because all the press releases I saw for this tour showed these giant games, and I was thinking these are for toddlers or something.

But no! These are just large and difficult to steal versions of the games, so you can learn the rules. The real games are made out of LEGOs. So basically you have to assemble your game before you can play it. Pretty cool!

I said to Robbie that this Creationary game looks awesome for parties. A lady with two small children heard me and started laughing. She says that if you are playing with kids, you will definitely want to make use of the time limit option. Of course, if you are thinking more like me and intend to play this with adults and alcohol, you'll probably also want to use the time limit.

Check out the Minotaur! There was a contest going to guess how many LEGO blocks were used to build this, winner to receive a trip to LEGOLAND!

The Minotaur is my new great white whale. As many of you know, I am a construction estimator by trade, but I have no point of reference for LEGOs. I haven't built anything bigger than a 6x6 house, and that was 25 years ago. Not having any clue how many LEGOs went into this drove me crazy!

So now I have been obsessed with large scale LEGO projects all weekend. My sister tipped me to James May's LEGO house that was built for the Toy Stories TV series. Here's an edited down version of the show:
The LEGO house is made from 3.3 MILLION bricks and was built by 1,000 volunteers. Just try not the grin like a little kid while you watch that video. Is it like all your dreams came true, or what?

There's the schedule for the rest of the LEGO Games Summer Tour. I have friends in almost all of those cities, and I know you will want to check it out! The schedule and locations for each stop can be found on the website.
As every nerd knows, one of the things LEGO is most well known for is their massively complex Star Wars kits, inlcuding the coveted $400 Death Star, so I leave you with this video of Eddie Izzard's bit about the Death Star canteen, with LEGO stop-motion animation. Note: video is PG (language).