
Monday, July 12, 2010


OK so, last week I promised you pirates. Here's the thing. I wasn't supposed to be taking pictures. I didn't hear that at the beginning of the tour and apparently all my friends thought I was just flaunting the rules and didn't say anything. So I'm going to cheat just a tiny bit and post JUST ONE.


I didn't want to skip the pirates entirely because the reason I wasn't paying attention at the beginning was because I was SO EXCITED when I found out this was not just any pirate exhibit. This is stuff brought up from the Whydah shipwreck! The Whydah started out as a slave ship before being captured by pirates, so the exhibit covers the slave trade quite a bit. There are lots of artifacts from the shipwreck, as well as all the details they could piece together about the crew, and a pretty cool bit at the end about concretions and some of Barry Clifford's pioneering techniques in identifying objects inside concretions without breaking them apart.

I already knew a little about the Whydah beforehand because I read one of Clifford's other books, Return to Treasure Island and the Search for Captain Kidd. He found the Whydah a few years before the Captain Kidd expedition, so it is mentioned quite a bit. There are a couple books on Amazon about the Whydah expedition itself, Expedition Whydah: The Story of the World's First Excavation of a Pirate Treasure Ship and the Man Who Found Her, which I intend to read shortly, and the book that goes with the exhibit, Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship.

The Real Pirates exhibit continues through August 6 at the St Louis Science Center. Admission is $16, but you can get a combo deal with the Omnimax (regular price $9) for $22. I recommend Hubble!


  1. Hi Beth!

    I'm a friend of Kenda's and am new to the area - but I am a fellow adventurer! I try to go on a "mini-adventure" every week - some fave's have been riding the tiny train in Wildwood, MO; seeing the Science Center's Darwin exhibit, and going to the French-Indian War Re-enactment at Fort des Chartres in Illinois. I also try to go to one new restaurant every week.

    At any rate - I'm still fairly new to the area and don't know a lot of people yet - so if you're ever looking for an extra explorer - feel free to give me a shout :)

    mcswain27 at gmail dot com

  2. Melinda, are you on Facebook? That's usually how I let people know what's going on. There's a CC&G fan page.
