
Monday, January 23, 2012

Royal Rumble Meetup!

It may be awhile before I can get to new content. I just got a new job, and we are scrambling to finish the dining room renovations at Franceth Manor right now. I've had some requests for progress photos on the house, and I promise that as soon as we actually finish a whole room, I will do that.

This is a bit outside the bounds of my normal content, but as you may or may not know, we are big fans of "sports entertainment" at Franceth Manor, and we are super excited about the WWE Royal Rumble here in St Louis on Sunday night. On Saturday night, we'll be having a meetup at our very favorite bar, The Silver Ballroom. Our very favorite bartender and wrestling fan, Justin Deming, will be slinging drinks that evening. You can see his e-famous tattoo above, and if you click the picture it will take you to an interview he did with Black Sports Online. He's had a lot more work done since that picture was taken, so come out and visit us Saturday night starting at 7:30 pm!

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