BONUS POST! Lincoln (the movie) comes out today, and coincidentally, we stopped in Springfield, IL to check out the Lincoln Tomb in October. We also, coincidentally, happened to pick up a top hat and Lincoln beard for Phoenix. I have driven through Springfield a dozen times in the past six months and I see all the signs for Lincoln Historic Sites, but for some reason it just never connected in my head that Abraham Lincoln is buried so close to St Louis. And WOW, what a tomb it is.

I had also never heard of the notion that rubbing a statue's nose brings good luck. I am obviously late to the party on that one.

You can walk right inside the tomb, and there's a docent (?) in there to answer questions and tell you about the construction. The tomb is built in a circle, and the niches have reproductions of famous sculptures of Lincoln.

In the center of the ring is where Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, and their sons are interred.

Lincoln's Tomb is located in Oak Ridge Cemetery and is definitely worth a visit. The cemetery is ENORMOUS and we only got to a fraction of it in the limited time we had allotted. Springfield is full of stuff worth visiting and I'll be posting more about it in the coming months!
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