
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cemetery Plot of Mr Accordion

I never would have known about this if not for, my favorite website. Roy Bertelli never thought he'd be able to buy a plot at Oak Ridge Cemetery, the fancypants cemetery of Springfield, IL where Abraham Lincoln is buried. He finally decided there was no harm in asking, and was surprised to find out that the cemetery had an available plot right at the front, on the road to Lincoln's Tomb! He bought it right away. Then, a few weeks later, the cemetery told him they had made a mistake and would take him to court to get it back if they had to.



Roy was really angry, and he decided to teach the cemetery and the city of Springfield a lesson. First, he built his crypt above ground, impossible for any Lincoln Tomb tourist to miss. Then he erected a large, elevated tablet behind it, engraved with a big accordion over happy musical notes. "Roy Bertelli, Mr. Accordion" it read. Roy would periodically visit his grave, stand on top of his crypt and play his accordion, to the bafflement of cemetery visitors and the horror of the city.


AHAHAHAHAHA! I love this guy. To top it all off, when he died in 2003, he was buried elsewhere. I think that's my favorite part. Rest in peace, Mr Bertelli!


  1. So they never took him to court after all, or he just started building that before they could and they let it slide, or this monument is just a re-creation of the one that he'd stand on and play, or what? Amazin'!

  2. I assume they had no legal leg to stand on. After all, they did sell him the plot. In the various tellings of the story, it just says he put up a fight.
