
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blustein Bride's House

I stopped to take a photo of this sign a couple weeks ago because I wondered about the business that used to be here. Not long after that I found out there is a major restoration of the building going on. The St Louis Post-Dispatch had a story with some great pictures last week. Click here.

What's good for fish fry this week? We're going to Epiphany.


  1. I reckon I'll be going to Our Lady in good ol' Festus. :)

  2. Beth, this is where my office is moving to! -Sheila :)

    1. I was wondering who the mystery tenant is! I'm going to bug you later about getting into that furrier vault. ;)

  3. Our group is going to Our Lady of the Presentation in Overland -

    They apparently accept credit-cards, something I've only seen at one other Fish Fry ever (Mary Magdalene in Brentwood) in all of my years (six?) of going to five or more new Fish Frys every year. I was just talking about Epiphany last night - we did their Fry a coupla years ago (underwhelming enough not to return, yet). I was talking about it, though, because I am pretty sure they have (or had, at some point) the arcade game OPERATION: WOLF in their bowling alley/arcade area. Will you check if that's still there when you're there, for me? (They also had a RESCUE 911 pinball machine, hah.)

    1. I don't expect much from Epiphany, but it's near family/friends. I will be sure the check the bowling alley for you. :)
