
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cookin' From Scratch Chicken Car

I love this website, but some weeks I get behind and have to write Tuesday's blog on a Monday night. I'm writing this on one of those Mondays, and I've done just about everything to procrastinate. This is when I usually turn on the TV and hope for Bizarre Foods, DD&D, Man Vs Food, or No Reservations. Jackpot! Bizarre Foods America: The Ozarks. Does that go with the Cookin' From Scratch Chicken Car, or what?

Cookin' From Scratch in Doolittle, MO is famous for their pan friend chicken and the Route 66 King of the Road Burger Challenge. The King of the Road Burger is 66 oz on a 9" bun and comes with one and a half pounds of french fries. Eat it by yourself in 66 minutes and it's free. If you're willing to wait an hour or so, you can always get the King of the Road burger to share with a group of 5-7.

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that there's no way I could be a restaurant critic. I don't like to give negative reviews, but worse, I can't order anything else if there is fried catfish or fried pickles on the menu. Cookin' from Scratch may be famous for their pan fried chicken, but in my book, they SHOULD be famous for the best fried pickles in the universe. The catfish nuggets were pretty good, and better if you take into account that it was all you can eat catfish night.

Cookin' From Scratch is located next to the Phillips 66 station in Doolittle, MO, which is just west of Rolla.

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