
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Windsor Harbor Road Bridge

We happened across this bridge last year when we were in Kimmswick, and it turned out to be a bridge from Carondelet, where we live! The sign says:

Carondelet, Missouri, 1874-1928 
Moved to this site 1930 

The County Commission of Jefferson County, Missouri, transferred ownership of this bridge to the Kimmswick Historical Society following its placement on the National Register of Historic Places

Since the Construction of the adjacent modern bridge, this historic bridge has been closed to all but pedestrian and non-motorized traffic.

I wish I could have seen what it looked like to move a bridge in 1930!

Update on Tuesday's post about the Old St Marcus Park flag: Francis and Rev Darrel Curtis from American Legion Post 341 talked to KSDK about the flag last night, and it should be replaced by 5pm today. You can see the video from the news at

Also! I just got Instagram and love it! Follow me @bethylou78 and you will see all the stuff we do that doesn't make it to the website (plus dogs, cats, and food, of course).

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