
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Roundup

We had a pretty stupendous 2013, and also a very relaxing December, which is why I'm whipping out the top 10 for New Year's Eve. I could do the real top 10 based on pageviews, but that's not really how I roll. Instead I give you, MY 10 Favorite Posts of 2013, because this site is really all about what I like.

10. The Mineral Springs is the one place that I'm glad we returned to in 2013. The tour was much improved from our first visit, and the museum has been significantly expanded. Definitely worth a stop next time you're in Alton!

9. One of my most fun posts this year was the Segen Blessing Monday Mystery. Thanks to reddit and the comments, the mystery is finally solved!

8. Our second visit to Missouri State Penitentiary was a lesson in shanks with Green on the History Tour. MSP is closed for repairs right now, but they will be back in 2014. Meanwhile, the museum is open, and that's all the reason you need to go to Prison Brews.

7. Salted caramel, bourbon drinks, and candied bacon are my three favorite foods. Needless to say, I crave that Bailey's Range milkshake approximately every other day.

6. I will say it again, the Vacuum Cleaner Museum is my favorite museum in Missouri. We drove to St James just to buy a vacuum cleaner from the outlet so we could visit the museum a second time this year.

5. Spending the night at the Lemp Mansion has been on my St Louis must-do list for a long time, and it was definitely one of our top 5 date for 2013. The Elsa Suite has a secret, and you should investigate that for yourself!

4. This portrait project at St Peter & Paul Cemetery was a learning experience in a number of ways. I still don't think I've done a good enough job of explaining how meaningful I find ceramic memorials to be, so in 2014 I'll try to do better.

3. The Epcot Flower & Garden Festival was so great in 2013 that we're going again in 2014. This picture has cheered me up on many a gloomy day. I hope they have those delicious salmon tartare biscuits again.

2. I've been to the Cave Restaurant many times, and I can tell you for sure that Enchanted Cave Christmas is the loveliest time of year to visit.

1. Seeing all (most) of Disneyland in one day was probably the most challenging thing we did this year, and also the silliest and most fun. If you have frequent flyer miles to burn, I highly recommend putting this on your bucket list. You'll never see anything like Cars Land in any other amusement park in the world.

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