
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Scenes From Citygarden

Inspired by others' 12 month landscape projects on Instagram, I decided to take on a 12 month project of my own for 2014. I didn't want to take 12 pictures of the same thing, but I wanted it to be something I really love about St Louis, and Citygarden fits the bill. I love downtown St Louis, and I love that this sculpture park exists in the middle of high rises, and I love how the food trucks gather here at lunch time, encouraging people to come out of their offices. So I will be "bumping" this post to the top every month with a new feature on a Citygarden sculpture.

January - Big White Gloves, Big Four Wheels by Jim Dine
The other reason I chose Citygarden is because this project will be replacing a post I did a few years ago that may have been my only post in the history of this site about something that I didn't like. And even though I mentioned that the event was not what I hoped it would be, I turned it into a positive and talked about Citygarden instead. The head of the company that runs the event I mentioned emailed me a long time ago with the worst non-apology I've ever received, asking me to remove my post simply because it hurt their Google search results. I refused out of spite.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

STL250 Cakeway to the West, Part 23

I still might try to get ALL the cakes, but the important thing is that I got my 250 today! Click the STL250 Cakes tab at the top of the page to see them all!

Ameristar Casino
August A Busch Memorial Conservation Area
Centennial Greenway/KATY Trail
Fort Zumwalt Park
Historic Daniel Boone Home
Mount Pleasant Estates
Sappington House
St Charles County Heritage Museum
Warren County Courthouse
Washington Historical Society
Columbia Bottoms
Greenville Public Library
Our Lady of the Rivers
St Louis Science Center
Taille de Noyer
West Alton Memorial Park

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cakeway to the West, Part 22

I promised double cakes last week, and then I got stuck at a hotel with useless wifi. So here are double cakes this week!

Basilica of St Louis, King of France
Bellefontaine Cemetery
Chess Center
City Museum
COCA - Center of Creative Arts
Eads Bridge
Fairgrounds Park
Francis Field
Gateway Arch
Green Center
Griot Museum of Black History
Historic Hanley House
Holocaust Museum & Learning Center
Laclede's Landing
Scott Joplin House

SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
St Joseph's Academy
Steinberg Skating Rink
Southwestern High School (That's the original piasa bird)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cakeway to the West, Part 21

Making up for last week, it's Cake Tuesday! 

Anheuser Busch Brewery
Annie Malone
Barretts Elementary
Bevo Mill
First Baptist Church
General Daniel Bissell House
Old Chain of Rocks Bridge 
St Louis College of Pharmacy
Sumner High School
Washington University School of Medicine
"Why do THEY have a cake?" you ask. Well, you might find some answers here. Then again, you might not.